、L2 正则化系数
stochasticLogisticRegression(1.0, 1.0, 10, 'SGD')
1. 拟合
See the `Fitting` section in the [stochasticLinearRegression](#stochasticlinearregression-usage-fitting) description.
Predicted labels have to be in \[-1, 1\].
2. 预测
Using saved state we can predict probability of object having label `1`.
``` sql
WITH (SELECT state FROM your_model) AS model SELECT
evalMLMethod(model, param1, param2) FROM test_data
The query will return a column of probabilities. Note that first argument of `evalMLMethod` is `AggregateFunctionState` object, next are columns of features.
We can also set a bound of probability, which assigns elements to different labels.
``` sql
SELECT ans < 1.1 AND ans > 0.5 FROM
(WITH (SELECT state FROM your_model) AS model SELECT
evalMLMethod(model, param1, param2) AS ans FROM test_data)
Then the result will be labels.
`test_data` is a table like `train_data` but may not contain target value.