

RecipeNLG 数据集可在此处下载 here。它包含 220 万个食谱。大小略小于 1 GB。


  1. 转到下载页面 https://recipenlg.cs.put.poznan.pl/dataset
  2. 接受条款和条件并下载 zip 文件。
  3. 选项:使用 md5sum dataset.zip 验证 zip 文件,它应该等于 3a168dfd0912bb034225619b3586ce76
  4. 使用 unzip dataset.zip 解压 zip 文件。您将在 dataset 目录中获得 full_dataset.csv 文件。


运行 clickhouse-client 并执行以下 CREATE 查询

title String,
ingredients Array(String),
directions Array(String),
link String,
source LowCardinality(String),
NER Array(String)
) ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY title;



clickhouse-client --query "
JSONExtract(ingredients, 'Array(String)'),
JSONExtract(directions, 'Array(String)'),
JSONExtract(NER, 'Array(String)')
FROM input('num UInt32, title String, ingredients String, directions String, link String, source LowCardinality(String), NER String')
" --input_format_with_names_use_header 0 --format_csv_allow_single_quote 0 --input_format_allow_errors_num 10 < full_dataset.csv

这是一个展示如何解析自定义 CSV 的示例,因为它需要多次调整。


  • 数据集为 CSV 格式,但插入时需要进行一些预处理;我们使用表函数 input 执行预处理;
  • CSV 文件的结构在表函数 input 的参数中指定;
  • 字段 num(行号)是不需要的 - 我们从文件中解析并忽略它;
  • 我们使用 FORMAT CSVWithNames,但 CSV 中的标题将被忽略(通过命令行参数 --input_format_with_names_use_header 0),因为标题不包含第一个字段的名称;
  • 文件仅使用双引号来括起 CSV 字符串;有些字符串没有用双引号括起来,单引号不应解析为字符串括起符 - 这就是为什么我们还添加了 --format_csv_allow_single_quote 0 参数;
  • CSV 中的某些字符串无法解析,因为它们在值的开头包含 \M/ 序列;CSV 中以反斜杠开头的唯一值可以是 \N,它被解析为 SQL NULL。我们添加 --input_format_allow_errors_num 10 参数,最多可以跳过十条格式错误的记录;
  • 配料、步骤和 NER 字段都有数组;这些数组以不寻常的形式表示:它们被序列化为 JSON 字符串,然后放置在 CSV 中 - 我们将它们解析为 String,然后使用 JSONExtract 函数将其转换为数组。




SELECT count() FROM recipes;


│ 2231142 │



在本例中,我们学习如何使用 arrayJoin 函数将数组展开为一组行。


arrayJoin(NER) AS k,
count() AS c
FROM recipes


│ salt │ 890741 │
│ sugar │ 620027 │
│ butter │ 493823 │
│ flour │ 466110 │
│ eggs │ 401276 │
│ onion │ 372469 │
│ garlic │ 358364 │
│ milk │ 346769 │
│ water │ 326092 │
│ vanilla │ 270381 │
│ olive oil │ 197877 │
│ pepper │ 179305 │
│ brown sugar │ 174447 │
│ tomatoes │ 163933 │
│ egg │ 160507 │
│ baking powder │ 148277 │
│ lemon juice │ 146414 │
│ Salt │ 122558 │
│ cinnamon │ 117927 │
│ sour cream │ 116682 │
│ cream cheese │ 114423 │
│ margarine │ 112742 │
│ celery │ 112676 │
│ baking soda │ 110690 │
│ parsley │ 102151 │
│ chicken │ 101505 │
│ onions │ 98903 │
│ vegetable oil │ 91395 │
│ oil │ 85600 │
│ mayonnaise │ 84822 │
│ pecans │ 79741 │
│ nuts │ 78471 │
│ potatoes │ 75820 │
│ carrots │ 75458 │
│ pineapple │ 74345 │
│ soy sauce │ 70355 │
│ black pepper │ 69064 │
│ thyme │ 68429 │
│ mustard │ 65948 │
│ chicken broth │ 65112 │
│ bacon │ 64956 │
│ honey │ 64626 │
│ oregano │ 64077 │
│ ground beef │ 64068 │
│ unsalted butter │ 63848 │
│ mushrooms │ 61465 │
│ Worcestershire sauce │ 59328 │
│ cornstarch │ 58476 │
│ green pepper │ 58388 │
│ Cheddar cheese │ 58354 │

50 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.112 sec. Processed 2.23 million rows, 361.57 MB (19.99 million rows/s., 3.24 GB/s.)


FROM recipes
WHERE has(NER, 'strawberry')
ORDER BY length(directions) DESC


│ Chocolate-Strawberry-Orange Wedding Cake │ 24 │ 126 │
│ Strawberry Cream Cheese Crumble Tart │ 19 │ 47 │
│ Charlotte-Style Ice Cream │ 11 │ 45 │
│ Sinfully Good a Million Layers Chocolate Layer Cake, With Strawb │ 31 │ 45 │
│ Sweetened Berries With Elderflower Sherbet │ 24 │ 44 │
│ Chocolate-Strawberry Mousse Cake │ 15 │ 42 │
│ Rhubarb Charlotte with Strawberries and Rum │ 20 │ 42 │
│ Chef Joey's Strawberry Vanilla Tart │ 7 │ 37 │
│ Old-Fashioned Ice Cream Sundae Cake │ 17 │ 37 │
│ Watermelon Cake │ 16 │ 36 │

10 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.215 sec. Processed 2.23 million rows, 1.48 GB (10.35 million rows/s., 6.86 GB/s.)

在本例中,我们使用 has 函数按数组元素进行过滤,并按步骤数量排序。

有一个婚礼蛋糕需要整整 126 步才能完成!展示步骤


SELECT arrayJoin(directions)
FROM recipes
WHERE title = 'Chocolate-Strawberry-Orange Wedding Cake'


│ Position 1 rack in center and 1 rack in bottom third of oven and preheat to 350F. │
│ Butter one 5-inch-diameter cake pan with 2-inch-high sides, one 8-inch-diameter cake pan with 2-inch-high sides and one 12-inch-diameter cake pan with 2-inch-high sides. │
│ Dust pans with flour; line bottoms with parchment. │
│ Combine 1/3 cup orange juice and 2 ounces unsweetened chocolate in heavy small saucepan. │
│ Stir mixture over medium-low heat until chocolate melts. │
│ Remove from heat. │
│ Gradually mix in 1 2/3 cups orange juice. │
│ Sift 3 cups flour, 2/3 cup cocoa, 2 teaspoons baking soda, 1 teaspoon salt and 1/2 teaspoon baking powder into medium bowl. │
│ using electric mixer, beat 1 cup (2 sticks) butter and 3 cups sugar in large bowl until blended (mixture will look grainy). │
│ Add 4 eggs, 1 at a time, beating to blend after each. │
│ Beat in 1 tablespoon orange peel and 1 tablespoon vanilla extract. │
│ Add dry ingredients alternately with orange juice mixture in 3 additions each, beating well after each addition. │
│ Mix in 1 cup chocolate chips. │
│ Transfer 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons batter to prepared 5-inch pan, 3 cups batter to prepared 8-inch pan and remaining batter (about 6 cups) to 12-inch pan. │
│ Place 5-inch and 8-inch pans on center rack of oven. │
│ Place 12-inch pan on lower rack of oven. │
│ Bake cakes until tester inserted into center comes out clean, about 35 minutes. │
│ Transfer cakes in pans to racks and cool completely. │
│ Mark 4-inch diameter circle on one 6-inch-diameter cardboard cake round. │
│ Cut out marked circle. │
│ Mark 7-inch-diameter circle on one 8-inch-diameter cardboard cake round. │
│ Cut out marked circle. │
│ Mark 11-inch-diameter circle on one 12-inch-diameter cardboard cake round. │
│ Cut out marked circle. │
│ Cut around sides of 5-inch-cake to loosen. │
│ Place 4-inch cardboard over pan. │
│ Hold cardboard and pan together; turn cake out onto cardboard. │
│ Peel off parchment.Wrap cakes on its cardboard in foil. │
│ Repeat turning out, peeling off parchment and wrapping cakes in foil, using 7-inch cardboard for 8-inch cake and 11-inch cardboard for 12-inch cake. │
│ Using remaining ingredients, make 1 more batch of cake batter and bake 3 more cake layers as described above. │
│ Cool cakes in pans. │
│ Cover cakes in pans tightly with foil. │
│ (Can be prepared ahead. │
│ Let stand at room temperature up to 1 day or double-wrap all cake layers and freeze up to 1 week. │
│ Bring cake layers to room temperature before using.) │
│ Place first 12-inch cake on its cardboard on work surface. │
│ Spread 2 3/4 cups ganache over top of cake and all the way to edge. │
│ Spread 2/3 cup jam over ganache, leaving 1/2-inch chocolate border at edge. │
│ Drop 1 3/4 cups white chocolate frosting by spoonfuls over jam. │
│ Gently spread frosting over jam, leaving 1/2-inch chocolate border at edge. │
│ Rub some cocoa powder over second 12-inch cardboard. │
│ Cut around sides of second 12-inch cake to loosen. │
│ Place cardboard, cocoa side down, over pan. │
│ Turn cake out onto cardboard. │
│ Peel off parchment. │
│ Carefully slide cake off cardboard and onto filling on first 12-inch cake. │
│ Refrigerate. │
│ Place first 8-inch cake on its cardboard on work surface. │
│ Spread 1 cup ganache over top all the way to edge. │
│ Spread 1/4 cup jam over, leaving 1/2-inch chocolate border at edge. │
│ Drop 1 cup white chocolate frosting by spoonfuls over jam. │
│ Gently spread frosting over jam, leaving 1/2-inch chocolate border at edge. │
│ Rub some cocoa over second 8-inch cardboard. │
│ Cut around sides of second 8-inch cake to loosen. │
│ Place cardboard, cocoa side down, over pan. │
│ Turn cake out onto cardboard. │
│ Peel off parchment. │
│ Slide cake off cardboard and onto filling on first 8-inch cake. │
│ Refrigerate. │
│ Place first 5-inch cake on its cardboard on work surface. │
│ Spread 1/2 cup ganache over top of cake and all the way to edge. │
│ Spread 2 tablespoons jam over, leaving 1/2-inch chocolate border at edge. │
│ Drop 1/3 cup white chocolate frosting by spoonfuls over jam. │
│ Gently spread frosting over jam, leaving 1/2-inch chocolate border at edge. │
│ Rub cocoa over second 6-inch cardboard. │
│ Cut around sides of second 5-inch cake to loosen. │
│ Place cardboard, cocoa side down, over pan. │
│ Turn cake out onto cardboard. │
│ Peel off parchment. │
│ Slide cake off cardboard and onto filling on first 5-inch cake. │
│ Chill all cakes 1 hour to set filling. │
│ Place 12-inch tiered cake on its cardboard on revolving cake stand. │
│ Spread 2 2/3 cups frosting over top and sides of cake as a first coat. │
│ Refrigerate cake. │
│ Place 8-inch tiered cake on its cardboard on cake stand. │
│ Spread 1 1/4 cups frosting over top and sides of cake as a first coat. │
│ Refrigerate cake. │
│ Place 5-inch tiered cake on its cardboard on cake stand. │
│ Spread 3/4 cup frosting over top and sides of cake as a first coat. │
│ Refrigerate all cakes until first coats of frosting set, about 1 hour. │
│ (Cakes can be made to this point up to 1 day ahead; cover and keep refrigerate.) │
│ Prepare second batch of frosting, using remaining frosting ingredients and following directions for first batch. │
│ Spoon 2 cups frosting into pastry bag fitted with small star tip. │
│ Place 12-inch cake on its cardboard on large flat platter. │
│ Place platter on cake stand. │
│ Using icing spatula, spread 2 1/2 cups frosting over top and sides of cake; smooth top. │
│ Using filled pastry bag, pipe decorative border around top edge of cake. │
│ Refrigerate cake on platter. │
│ Place 8-inch cake on its cardboard on cake stand. │
│ Using icing spatula, spread 1 1/2 cups frosting over top and sides of cake; smooth top. │
│ Using pastry bag, pipe decorative border around top edge of cake. │
│ Refrigerate cake on its cardboard. │
│ Place 5-inch cake on its cardboard on cake stand. │
│ Using icing spatula, spread 3/4 cup frosting over top and sides of cake; smooth top. │
│ Using pastry bag, pipe decorative border around top edge of cake, spooning more frosting into bag if necessary. │
│ Refrigerate cake on its cardboard. │
│ Keep all cakes refrigerated until frosting sets, about 2 hours. │
│ (Can be prepared 2 days ahead. │
│ Cover loosely; keep refrigerated.) │
│ Place 12-inch cake on platter on work surface. │
│ Press 1 wooden dowel straight down into and completely through center of cake. │
│ Mark dowel 1/4 inch above top of frosting. │
│ Remove dowel and cut with serrated knife at marked point. │
│ Cut 4 more dowels to same length. │
│ Press 1 cut dowel back into center of cake. │
│ Press remaining 4 cut dowels into cake, positioning 3 1/2 inches inward from cake edges and spacing evenly. │
│ Place 8-inch cake on its cardboard on work surface. │
│ Press 1 dowel straight down into and completely through center of cake. │
│ Mark dowel 1/4 inch above top of frosting. │
│ Remove dowel and cut with serrated knife at marked point. │
│ Cut 3 more dowels to same length. │
│ Press 1 cut dowel back into center of cake. │
│ Press remaining 3 cut dowels into cake, positioning 2 1/2 inches inward from edges and spacing evenly. │
│ Using large metal spatula as aid, place 8-inch cake on its cardboard atop dowels in 12-inch cake, centering carefully. │
│ Gently place 5-inch cake on its cardboard atop dowels in 8-inch cake, centering carefully. │
│ Using citrus stripper, cut long strips of orange peel from oranges. │
│ Cut strips into long segments. │
│ To make orange peel coils, wrap peel segment around handle of wooden spoon; gently slide peel off handle so that peel keeps coiled shape. │
│ Garnish cake with orange peel coils, ivy or mint sprigs, and some berries. │
│ (Assembled cake can be made up to 8 hours ahead. │
│ Let stand at cool room temperature.) │
│ Remove top and middle cake tiers. │
│ Remove dowels from cakes. │
│ Cut top and middle cakes into slices. │
│ To cut 12-inch cake: Starting 3 inches inward from edge and inserting knife straight down, cut through from top to bottom to make 6-inch-diameter circle in center of cake. │
│ Cut outer portion of cake into slices; cut inner portion into slices and serve with strawberries. │

126 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.011 sec. Processed 8.19 thousand rows, 5.34 MB (737.75 thousand rows/s., 480.59 MB/s.)

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