配额 和 查询复杂度 是限制和约束用户在 ClickHouse 中可以执行的操作的强大方法。
clickhouse-cloud :) CREATE TABLE default.test_table (name String, age UInt8) ENGINE=MergeTree ORDER BY tuple();
-- CREATE TABLE default.test_table
-- (
-- `name` String,
-- `age` UInt8
-- )
-- ENGINE = MergeTree
-- ORDER BY tuple()
-- Query id: 4fd405db-a96e-4004-b1f6-e7f87def05d7
-- Ok.
-- 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.313 sec.
clickhouse-cloud :) INSERT INTO default.test_table SELECT * FROM generateRandom('name String, age UInt8',1,1) LIMIT 100;
-- INSERT INTO default.test_table SELECT *
-- FROM generateRandom('name String, age UInt8', 1, 1)
-- LIMIT 100
-- Query id: 6eccfdc6-d98c-4377-ae25-f18deec6c807
-- Ok.
-- 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.055 sec.
clickhouse-cloud :) SELECT * FROM default.test_table_00006488 LIMIT 5
-- FROM default.test_table_00006488
-- LIMIT 5
-- Query id: 9fa58419-fb57-4260-886a-ccb836449f58
-- ┌─name─┬─age─┐
-- │ │ 200 │
-- │ 4 │ 72 │
-- │ + │ 127 │
-- │ │ 144 │
-- │ ] │ 60 │
-- └──────┴─────┘
-- 5 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.003 sec.
在本示例中,我们创建一个角色,我们将在其上应用配额,该配额仅允许每 10 秒间隔检索 10 行结果。
# AS the privileged user
# create a user
clickhouse-cloud :) CREATE USER user_with_quota IDENTIFIED WITH sha256_password BY 'Dr6P1S8SGaQ@u!BUAnv';
-- CREATE USER user_with_quota IDENTIFIED WITH sha256_hash BY '2444E98ADA7433FC12F55C467D3564BF87F47B1A996E70D77496A2F1E42BAD73' SALT '129F92F8AB4AB6E56A01AA826D10D1239F14148606E197EB19D7612F8AF8BC52'
-- Query id: 542a4013-e34c-4776-b374-962fcfd2575a
-- Ok.
-- 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.097 sec.
# create a role to which quotas will be applied
clickhouse-cloud :) CREATE ROLE role_with_quota
-- CREATE ROLE role_with_quota
-- Query id: 133a843b-8619-4642-84d9-9c232539b6a0
-- Ok.
-- 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.096 sec.
-- grant select privileges
clickhouse-cloud :) GRANT SELECT ON default.* TO role_with_quota;
-- GRANT SELECT ON default.* TO role_with_quota
-- Query id: 1b0e295e-597d-477f-8847-13411157fd1c
-- Ok.
-- 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.100 sec.
-- grant role to the user
clickhouse-cloud :) GRANT role_with_quota TO user_with_quota
-- GRANT role_with_quota TO user_with_quota
-- Query id: 0e19ff50-8990-4c17-8f91-5c8ce4142bdd
-- Ok.
-- 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.099 sec.
-- create a quota that allows max 10 result rows in each 10 seconds interval and apply that to the role
clickhouse-cloud :) CREATE QUOTA quota_max_10_result_rows_per_10_seconds FOR INTERVAL 10 second MAX result_rows = 10 TO role_with_quota
-- CREATE QUOTA quota_max_10_result_rows_per_10_seconds FOR INTERVAL 10 second MAX result_rows = 10 TO role_with_quota
-- 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 23.427 sec.
-- Query id: fe4d2038-2d35-415d-89ec-9eaaa2533fcd
现在以用户 user_with_quota
-- login as the user where quota is applied through the role
clickhouse-cloud :) SELECT user()
-- SELECT user()
-- Query id: 56ebd28d-0d36-4caf-9cef-c3e51d9f0b9d
-- ┌─currentUser()───┐
-- │ user_with_quota │
-- └─────────────────┘
-- 1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.
-- list grants
clickhouse-cloud :) SHOW GRANTS
-- Query id: cc78bada-28f4-4862-9fdf-7e68aae6fd80
-- ┌─GRANTS───────────────────────────────────┐
-- │ GRANT role_with_quota TO user_with_quota │
-- └──────────────────────────────────────────┘
-- 1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.
-- check the timem
clickhouse-cloud :) select now()
-- SELECT now()
-- Query id: bbbd54a8-6c2f-4d3b-982a-03d7bd143aa9
-- ┌───────────────now()─┐
-- │ 2023-10-25 14:37:38 │
-- └─────────────────────┘
-- 1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.
-- query ten rows
clickhouse-cloud :) SELECT * FROM test_table LIMIT 10
-- FROM test_table
-- LIMIT 10
-- Query id: 20f1c02f-c938-4d06-851d-824c82693eb9
-- ┌─name─┬─age─┐
-- │ │ 200 │
-- │ 4 │ 72 │
-- │ + │ 127 │
-- │ │ 144 │
-- │ ] │ 60 │
-- │ │ 137 │
-- │ │ 176 │
-- │ │ 147 │
-- │ │ 107 │
-- │ Q │ 128 │
-- └──────┴─────┘
-- 10 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.
-- attempt to get another row within the 10 seconds interval since the last query
clickhouse-cloud :) SELECT * FROM test_table LIMIT 1
-- FROM test_table
-- LIMIT 1
-- Query id: 48ae46ef-7b33-4765-affa-e47e889f48e5
-- 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.094 sec.
-- Received exception from server (version 23.8.1):
-- Code: 201. DB::Exception: Received from dxqjx1s5lt.eu-west-1.aws.clickhouse.cloud:9440. DB::Exception: Quota for user `user_with_quota` for 10s has been exceeded: result_rows = 11/10.
-- Interval will end at 2023-10-25 14:37:50. Name of quota template: `quota_max_10_result_rows_per_10_seconds`. (QUOTA_EXCEEDED)
-- check the time
clickhouse-cloud :) select now()
-- SELECT now()
-- Query id: 87f190f6-3f75-4fe6-bf9c-c80ed88e179f
-- ┌───────────────now()─┐
-- │ 2023-10-25 14:37:45 │
-- └─────────────────────┘
-- 1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.
请注意,用户需要等待另外 5 秒才能获得新的 10 行结果集“配额”。
在本示例中,我们创建一个角色,我们将在其上应用一个查询复杂度 SETTING
,该设置允许每个查询最多返回 1 行。
-- AS the privileged user
-- create a user
clickhouse-cloud :) CREATE USER user_with_query_complexity IDENTIFIED WITH sha256_password BY 'Dr6P1S8SGaQ@u!BUAnv';
-- CREATE USER user_with_query_complexity IDENTIFIED WITH sha256_hash BY '99AB4976077304554286C43AA47C3BEDA5758EF56282C2FC90C0787DC6FE72BC' SALT '5A50D2B9B1DF7E8A1AA9A2CC00BCF802B7F605281A09E18E237447509B5C7A7C'
-- Query id: 91856182-f2bb-40cc-8902-2786beeeb93d
-- Ok.
-- 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.104 sec.
-- create a role with query complexity SETTINGS that allows only one role in resultset
clickhouse-cloud :) CREATE ROLE role_with_query_complexity SETTINGS max_result_rows=1;
-- CREATE ROLE role_with_query_complexity SETTINGS max_result_rows = 1
-- Query id: ec3d89fe-cab8-4cc3-9180-da5c93519643
-- Ok.
-- 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.097 sec.
-- grant select privileges
clickhouse-cloud :) GRANT SELECT ON default.* TO role_with_query_complexity;
-- GRANT SELECT ON default.* TO role_with_query_complexity
-- Query id: 230774ad-8073-4e2e-9530-3e90bce41cb1
-- Ok.
-- 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.097 sec.
-- grant role to the user
clickhouse-cloud :) GRANT role_with_query_complexity TO user_with_query_complexity
-- GRANT role_with_query_complexity TO user_with_query_complexity
-- Query id: f28c7c7b-61f7-48a8-a281-1f3784764b47
-- Ok.
-- 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.096 sec.
现在以用户 user_with_query_complexity
-- login as the user where query complexity is applied through the role
clickhouse-cloud :) SELECT user();
-- SELECT user()
-- Query id: 196c91fc-abff-464d-acce-6af961c233a3
-- ┌─currentUser()──────────────┐
-- │ user_with_query_complexity │
-- └────────────────────────────┘
-- 1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.
-- list grants
clickhouse-cloud :) SHOW GRANTS
-- Query id: 87657b99-c3d9-4ffd-90e8-488f04f7f93b
-- ┌─GRANTS─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-- │ GRANT role_with_query_complexity TO user_with_query_complexity │
-- └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
-- 1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.
-- attempt to query with 1 row in resultset
clickhouse-cloud :) SELECT * FROM default.test_table LIMIT 1;
-- FROM default.test_table
-- LIMIT 1
-- Query id: 7266891b-8611-4342-81b0-fe04766e62fa
-- ┌─name─┬─age─┐
-- │ │ 200 │
-- └──────┴─────┘
-- 1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.
-- attempt to query with more than 1 row in resultset
clickhouse-cloud :) SELECT * FROM default.test_table LIMIT 2;
-- FROM default.test_table
-- LIMIT 2
-- Query id: ec8ecff3-f731-45bd-bb27-894ba358c7c8
-- 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.091 sec.
--Received exception from server (version 23.8.1):
--Code: 396. DB::Exception: Received from dxqjx1s5lt.eu-west-1.aws.clickhouse.cloud:9440.
--DB::Exception: Limit for result exceeded, max rows: 1.00, current rows: 2.00. (TOO_MANY_ROWS_OR_BYTES)
每当尝试在结果集中获取超过 1 行时,查询复杂度约束就会生效。