



leadInFrame(x[, offset[, default]])
OVER ([[PARTITION BY grouping_column] [ORDER BY sorting_column]
[ROWS or RANGE expression_to_bound_rows_withing_the_group]] | [window_name])
FROM table_name
WINDOW window_name as ([[PARTITION BY grouping_column] [ORDER BY sorting_column])

有关窗口函数语法的更多详细信息,请参见:窗口函数 - 语法


  • x — 列名。
  • offset — 要应用的偏移量。 (U)Int*。 (可选 - 默认值为 1)。
  • default — 如果计算的行超出了窗口框架的边界,则返回的值。 (可选 - 省略时为列类型的默认值)。


  • 在有序窗口框架内当前行之后偏移行数的那一行的计算值。


此示例查看了 诺贝尔奖获得者历史数据,并使用 leadInFrame 函数返回物理学类别中连续获奖者的列表。


CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW nobel_prize_laureates AS FROM file('nobel_laureates_data.csv') SELECT *;
FROM nobel_prize_laureates SELECT fullName, leadInFrame(year, 1, year) OVER (PARTITION BY category ORDER BY year) AS year, category, motivation WHERE category == 'physics' ORDER BY year DESC LIMIT 9;


1. │ Pierre Agostini │ 2023 │ physics │ for experimental methods that generate attosecond pulses of light for the study of electron dynamics in matter │
2. │ Ferenc Krausz │ 2023 │ physics │ for experimental methods that generate attosecond pulses of light for the study of electron dynamics in matter │
3. │ Anne L Huillier │ 2023 │ physics │ for experimental methods that generate attosecond pulses of light for the study of electron dynamics in matter │
4. │ Alain Aspect │ 2022 │ physics │ for experiments with entangled photons establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science │
5. │ Anton Zeilinger │ 2022 │ physics │ for experiments with entangled photons establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science │
6. │ John Clauser │ 2022 │ physics │ for experiments with entangled photons establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science │
7. │ Syukuro Manabe │ 2021 │ physics │ for the physical modelling of Earths climate quantifying variability and reliably predicting global warming │
8. │ Klaus Hasselmann │ 2021 │ physics │ for the physical modelling of Earths climate quantifying variability and reliably predicting global warming │
9. │ Giorgio Parisi │ 2021 │ physics │ for the discovery of the interplay of disorder and fluctuations in physical systems from atomic to planetary scales │